Nov 4, 2010

Here We Go...

Well, here goes.  I am starting this blog as another way to connect with all of you out there who are parenting a child or children with Reactive Attachment Disorder.  Over the last year I have received so many phone calls, messages and emails from moms with kids who have RAD who just want to know that they are not alone.    I myself am blessed with one such child and I know how very isolating it can feel.  Wanting desperately to feel like you are not crazy or a bad parent and wanting even more desperately to know that you are not alone...that SOMEONE...ANYONE understands.  And wanting so desperately for your child to be healed that when you think about it for too long you literally can not breathe.  
I have been there...many days I am still there (though our son is finally beginning to heal).  I get it and I want others to know that they are not alone.  So, here it is. . . one more place where you can come to find others who can say those words you so desperately want to hear, "I UNDERSTAND".  
If you are not a parent of a child with RAD please know that you are welcome to lurk here too.  I would love it if even one of you were able to read the posts and comments on this blog and gain enough understanding of what life with a RAD kid is like enough so that you could support someone who lives it.  To me THAT would be a huge blessing.  However, as a word of caution.  Please remember that this can be a delecate subject and it is like many things in life.  It is something that you can NOT understand unless you live it.  So, if you choose to comment please keep your comment positive and uplifting.  This is not a pity party, it is just TRUE.   Parents of RAD kids are yelled at daily if not hourly or more so the last thing any of us need is someone else yelling at us or being unkind to us.  

1 comment:

Shellhen said...

I am very happy that you have started this blog! This is going to be a powerful weapon to fight the isolation that parents feel as we fight RAD every day. May God bless this to glorify Him!